Practice this white magic ritual to attract love.
The white magic ritual in question is simplistic and completely harmless. Such a practice will allow you to only call upon benevolent spirits. To implement it, you will need to use specific objects, including a red candle, a toothpick, matches, and honey.
How to perform the white magic ritual?
Start by sitting comfortably in front of a clean table. Then, take the candle and inscribe your name and that of your loved one on one of its surfaces using a toothpick. The other two sides will be used to engrave the word “love.”
Finish by coating the candle with honey, making sure that this substance penetrates the inscriptions. Light the candle and let it burn. During this time, simply recite the formula “Flame of Venus, flame of love. Burn in the heart of (the name of the loved one). Let it be given to me and let it come to me, who is waiting.”
Practice the love return ritual
The love return ritual is recommended for strengthening love. To succeed in the ritual, you must have red candles, a photo of your partner, your favorite jewel, and matches.
How to perform the love return ritual?
This ritual requires you to place the candles on the table. Then, place the photo between them and light them. Take the jewel and draw seven circles above the photo. The circular movements should be made clockwise. Do this while remembering the beautiful moments spent with your partner.
Do not hesitate to repeat the following formula: “I invoke Venus, goddess of love, who brings the happiness of love. Make (the name of the loved one) come back to me, loving as at the beginning, soon and for life.” The ritual is supposed to be performed on three consecutive nights at the new moon.
In conclusion, to find love, it is possible to perform two types of rituals. The love return ritual in case of distance from the partner and the white magic ritual when it is necessary to find true love.
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