
Dragon’s blood oil for ritual


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Dragon’s Blood Oil for Ritual

It is one of the most potent ingredients to use in any type of ritual.

Although it comes from various sources, Dragon’s Blood is most commonly extracted from the Dracaena Draco palm tree found in Sumatra and the surrounding Malay islands. Used in funeral rites, it serves as a powerful embalming agent.

Some beliefs hold that Dragon’s Blood has the power to activate shape-shifting abilities. It can be used for all sorts of requests, including in magical inks for writing invocations.

Throughout history, its use has been powerful:

Ancient civilizations and cultures used a substance called “Dragon’s Blood.” The ritual of Dragon’s Blood is performed by shamans and magicians. In this ritual, they burn the blood of a young dragon to absorb its power and add it to their own. The ritual enhances the flow of energy in their bodies during the ceremony. They can then transfer the enhanced energy to their followers through various magical means. This allows them to perform miracles for those who believe in their rituals. Essentially, performing ceremonies using Dragon’s Blood increases the confidence in the ritualist by enhancing their natural abilities.

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Dragon’s Blood Oil for Voodoo, Wiccan, and Pagan Rituals

Dragon’s Blood Oil is one of the most potent conjuration oils known to be highly effective for protection, love, power, and purification purposes.

Performing rituals using Dragon’s Blood strengthens faith in the spiritual properties possessed by these practitioners; it symbolically captures what they believe to be a similar energy possessed by Jesus Christ – one of the most powerful spiritual figures ever believed to have existed on Earth. By enhancing their natural abilities through ceremonies involving Dragon’s Blood, these practitioners can gain supernatural powers for themselves and for those who believe in their ability to perform miraculous feats.


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